Criminal Cases – Criminal Tax Cases

Criminal Cases – Criminal Tax Cases

Our Law Firm represents principals before the courts of all instances as well as at the stage of preparatory proceedings (before the prosecutor’s office or other body of proceedings).

An advocate acts as a defense lawyer if you have been accused with a criminal offense or have been charged in preparatory proceedings.

Our Law Firm provides assistance:

  • as a representative of the aggrieved party – acting as a so called auxiliary prosecutor, representing your interests in case you were a victim of a crime (also in a road accident);
  • in the field of: tax offenses and economic crimes, offences against property, health and life, communication offences, medical errors;
  • in the filing of appeals against court judgments, cassation to the Supreme Court. We represent our clients in cases of offenses and proceedings for minors.
  • in executive proceedings in cases for ordering the execution of conditionally suspended custodial sentence, cases for electronic supervision, cases for deferment of imprisonment, cases for a break in imprisonment, cases for conditional early release from serving an imprisonment sentence, cases for suspension of enforcement proceedings, cases for adjudication of a substitute penalty, cases for dividing the fine into installments or remission of payment of the amount due;
  • in proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.